Meet our team Our team

Our story is different

Our values Investing focus Approach

We work with a team of proven successful entrepreneurs and hands-on managers. We are happy to roll up our sleeves for investors, companies, location owners and healthcare organizations. You will benefit from our expertise in the areas of production, strategy, development of management teams, (healthcare) real estate and care operations.

Our values


Reciprocity is that you treat another person the way you want to be treated yourself. Respect for mutual interests is the starting point. We do not enter into unilateral agreements in which only one party maximizes its profit. No big contracts and legal tricks. We always go for win-win situations.

Long-term oriented

Sustainability is a trend, but actually acting sustainably is a challenge. This means, among other things, that we take the apparent paradox between (short-term) financial results, employee development and environmental responsibility seriously. Only then will sustainable value creation be generated, also for investors. We want to be able to account for our deals to future generations.


Being transparent starts with accountability. We want to be vulnerable in this respect. Do not use a hidden agenda, but be direct and open. This means that we also admit mistakes when we make them. Transparency promotes long-term relationships.


Successful organizations are characterized by flexibility and innovation. You can only achieve this together. This means that everyone must be involved, there must be targeted and broad communication where contradiction is a source of inspiration. This way you build trust and commitment.

Investing focus


The Anders Invest teams come from the world in which they invest: industry, rental housing or healthcare real estate. Thanks to our expertise in each of these markets, we quickly know where the challenges are. We have proven successful in shaping growth within various (international) companies, the purchase of rental homes and continuity with care organizations.

Type of collaboration

We are involved and think long term. We work on the basis of our values and consider it important to continue to discuss this with the entrepreneur, the individual tenants or the healthcare manager and her organization and residents. We would like to work with enthusiastic entrepreneurs, location owners, market parties and healthcare administrators who want to work with us on a win-win for all involved. That is why we do not participate in auction-like situations where only the bidder with the highest price is sought.

Size of industry

Within the industry fund we focus on companies with more than 25 employees and / or a turnover of more than € 10 million. We provide risk capital from € 1 million to approximately € 50 million (including co-investment volume) to companies with an enterprise value of up to approximately € 250 million (both majority and minority interests). This means that our focus - depending on the valuation - is suitable for companies with an EBITDA level of up to € 30 million. Start-ups and early stage investments do not match our focus and expertise.

Size of real estate

In healthcare real estate, we focus on healthcare organizations with a minimum of 20-25 and a maximum of 150 residential units per investment object. This can be done with a main lease or on the basis of separation of housing and care. The current investment volume is around € 3 million to € 30 million per location. With the rental housing fund, we focus on locations with a minimum size of 25-30 housing units. The current investment volume is around € 4 million to € 30 million per location.



It starts with an introductory meeting. Preferably at the location of the entrepreneur, market party, location of the owner or the care organization. When there is a click and mutual trust, the process begins. We immerse ourselves in your company, the location or the organization and in your market and target group. It is important for us, especially for industry and healthcare real estate, to know how you work and with whom you work. We will be involved for a long time, so the foundation must be good.


We are looking for influence and not for power. We have expert knowledge and feel committed to your company, location or care organization. We draw up our cooperation contracts with a low legal profile. We limit ourselves to the essentials and we don't want to make money with legal tricks. Our extensive network also opens additional doors.


From the industrial fund, we provide venture capital - from € 1 million to € 50 million - and strive to acquire shares (minority or majority). From the real estate funds, we focus on locations with a minimum size of 20-25 residential units. The investment volume is around € 3 million to € 30 million per location. We invest with our own resources and with money entrusted to us by third parties. In addition, we have a long investment horizon of at least 10 years.

Fund volume
€ 350 million

Number of investors

Number of companies in portfolio

anders | industry fund

With the Anders Invest Industrie Fonds we invest for the long term in Dutch SMEs, particularly in the manufacturing industry.

Fund volume
€ 146 mio

Number of investors

Number of residences en care units

anders | real estate funds

We invest for the long term in Dutch rental and care homes, where we attach great importance to social cohesion between our tenants and residents.

Fund volume
€ 57 mio

Number of investors

Number of portfolio companies

anders | Food & Agri Fund

With the Anders Invest Food & Agri Fund we invest for the long term in companies active in the Food & Agri sector.