Recycling installations
Banzo, located in Hoogeveen, designs and supplies recycling installations. The company has a turnover of € 15-20 million and employs more than 35 permanent employees.
Founded in 1947, Banzo designs, assembles, installs and maintains recycling facilities for all major Dutch garbage processors. The company specializes in so-called post-separation installations, in which residual waste (gray waste flow), green waste or construction / demolition waste is subdivided into separate waste flows that can then be further upgraded to valuable residual flows and raw materials with additional reprocessing installations. In this way, waste processors are able to reduce waste incineration and Banzo contributes to the cradle-to-cradle use of raw materials. The Netherlands is at the forefront in the approach to recycling, changing legislation in the European Union that prevents landfilling and incineration of waste offers opportunities for Banzo abroad.
Anders Invest has acquired its interest from the current owner and general manager Mr Marcel Kroon. He took over Banzo in 2011 and the company has grown significantly since then. After the takeover, the focus will mainly be on further professionalizing the company and making use of the international expansion opportunities that the company has. Mr Kroon will remain associated with the company for an indefinite period as shareholder and general manager.
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